Upcoming Sessions
  1. CoachAbility360
  2. One on One Sports Training Available
  3. CoachAbility360 Workshop
  4. Legacy Staff Training
  5. CoachAbility Video of Team Development

Joel Sanchez Executive Director, Legacy Volleyball Club”

Jackee and her company, Coach*Ability, have been a blessing in the sky for me and Legacy Volleyball Club! They provide outstanding professional development to coaches, educators, and other professional groups, grant-writing, and just tremendous mentoring. I cannot say enough how valuable Jackee has been to our organization and we HIGHLY recommend you all to work with her.

Jackee is an outstanding, knowledgeable coaching professional. PowerPlay has been fortunate to work with her over the past several years in developing our youth coaches.

Anastasia Bitis, Former Collegiate Coach & Physical Educator

The Coach*Ability workshop was a great way to start our boy’s varsity basketball season this year. The professionalism and knowledge of the staff made the workshop fun, challenging, and educational. Watching and listening to the team dig deep to analyze the activities in order to connect to basketball, helped the coaching staff understand where we were as a team at the time and where we needed to get to in order to have a successful season!

Jennifer Czirr Former Student-Athlete & Employee

I have worked with Jackee Meadow for more than 15 years in numerous capacities. Many coaches are knowledgeable about sport specifics but few understand the importance of their roles as mentors and role models. Jackee has been my college coach, my mentor, and friend. After college, I worked for Jackee in athletic administration and I have served beside her as an assistant coach in basketball. Jackee has dedicated her life to young athletes and I have witnessed her transform and develop players into team-players, athletes into student-athletes, and individual teams into an athletic department with “one dream”. There is not a single person I have met who is more passionate, talented, or dedicated to their craft as Jackee.